Saturday, November 7, 2009

St. Pete Times: Rubio is a T.I.N.O.

The St. Petersburg Times is reporting that Marco Rubio might be a little "mavericky" when it comes to his "teabaggery". Apparently, the former state House Speaker's image as a pure teabagger might not be so accurate. Among the unsatisfied are the NRA:
"He was a big disappointment to us when he was the speaker,'' said NRA lobbyist Marion Hammer, who saw Rubio do little to help pass a bill allowing employees to bring guns to work. "He talked the talk, but he didn't walk the walk."
As somebody who actually goes to a workplace everyday, I have to say that I am very thankful that my colleagues aren't carrying weapons. So thanks Marco Rubio? Unfortunately for Marco, his ideological impurity doesn't end there.  Hopefully, the anti-tax, anti-earmark Club for Growth--which recently jumped into the primary battle on Rubio's behalf--doesn't find that Marco doesn't mind pork if he his constituents benefit.

The candidate Rubio rails against big-government spending and assures voters that as a senator he won't slip earmarks into the federal budget. As speaker, however, he didn't mind a state budget with $800,000 tucked away for artificial turf on Miami-Dade fields where he played flag football.
The turf (listed as a juvenile crime prevention initiative) was among $50 million in pork targeted to the speaker's home county and more than $400 million in projects and initiatives that Crist vetoed in 2007.

Charlie's friend are also anxious to point that while candidate Rubio attacks Charlie Crist for supporting cap-and-trade to fight climate change, legislator Rubio voted for a measure urging the governor to pursue cap-and-trade.  They are also frothing at the mouth to point out that candidate Rubio attacks Charlie for expanding the state-run property insurance company when legislator Rubio voted for the legislation that allowed the governor to do so.

So it would seem that while Marco Rubio talks the talk--"Obama is a socialist. Guns, guns, guns. Deficit spending is okay for waging holy wars, but not fixing health care."--his record as an elected official indicates that he a T.I.N.O.--teabagger in name only.  

So the race in Florida is turning into T.I.N.O. against R.I.N.O.  This is going to be fun to watch!

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